(This is the finished product)
Today I am going to tell you a very simple yet tasty reciepe that I made up.. It's been a rough day filled with a migraine that seems to not go away but carry on day to day.. Although today's sunshine in my day came through a verse in the Bible. I was seeking encouragement and where else to find the best source of encouragement?! The Bible of course. I opened my Bible app, and the first verse was Colossians 3:2: "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things". So often we focus on moment to moment, day to day lives, which is great but can also be damaging. Great because we choose how to live our lives for the good; damaging because living moment to moment we can get so sucked into what discourages us and not think of the things we should be thankful for or focusing on what we are doing now to give glory to God. Are we truly setting our minds on Heavenly things or on earthly things that will pass away?! If you have a house, a car, a job, a family or a friend you have something to be thankful for. I'm thankful for my Bible, for having constant encouragement from the verses that I can read anytime, day or night. So after reading that verse I decided to get up, be a little productive & make a reciepe out of some of the fresh veggies from my last couple shares of the season. This is Paleo friendly as well! :) I honestly like the spaghetti like noodles from the squash than regular pasta noodles, they aren't so filled with carbs, and taste so much better. Here is the reciepe:
- 1 Spaghetti Squash
- 1 Diced Large Onion
- 1 Diced Red Pepper
- 1 Zucchini Chopped into thin slices
- 1 Cup Chopped Broccoli
- 6 Cloves of Garlic
- 3 Tablespoons Basil
- 3 Tablespoons Rosemary
- 3 Tablespoons Sage
- 3 Teaspoons of Sea Salt
- 2 Tablespoons Coconut Oil
- 1 Pound of Chicken chopped into bite size portions
1. Cut your Spaghetti Squash length-wise, season each side with:
1 tablespoon Basil
1 tablespoon Rosemary
1 Tablespoon Sage
1 Teaspoon Sea Salt
2 Cloves of Garlic
Than bake(cut side up) at 375 degrees for 30-40 minutes, keep an eye on it so that it doesn't burn.
2. While the squash is baking, chop/dice the remaining ingredients & fry the chicken in the two tablespoons of coconut oil with the two remaining cloves of garlic.
3. After the chicken is cooked, scoop chicken out of the pan and mix together the remaining ingredients in the same pan with the remaining coconut oil and garlic. (By this time the squash should be pretty close to done if not already done cooking). If the squash is done, carefully pull it out of the oven and set it aside to cool off.
4. While the squash is cooling off, steam/cook the remaining ingredients in the pan(do not add the chicken to it yet).
5. After everything is cooked thoroughly, add the chicken.
6. Carefully spoon out all of the spaghetti like insides(the seeds inside are edible & add more flavor too) and add it to the stirfry. Really I only used one side of the spaghetti squash and froze the remainder but depending how big of a family you have to feed you can add more or less.
7. Continue to mix together until everything is evenly distributed. Serve hot & enjoy!
*** I just remembered I did add two purple potatoes since I have so many potatoes to use up(which if you don't add the potatoes it is Paleo, however since I added them it ended up not being Paleo, simply because of the potatoes).***
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