Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The first of many...

Alright Folks!
Well I'm going to try this blogging thing out again. I apologize for the delay, my page is yet to be completely how I want it to look and turn out so it may take till the end of this week for things to look a little more organized and not what it used to look like 5 years ago. However I did rename my blog to Sunshine In The Small Things, simply I try daily to find sunshine in my every day, moment to moment life. I live a crazy, busy life as most others I know. However not every moment, nor every day seems to always go well, although I try to find the best out of some of the worst situations. Today my sunshine is that although it is foggy and gloomy today, it is still amazing to see the beauty of fog. If you think about it, its as if the the haziness, makes us feel as if we are living in a cloud almost, only able to see far enough to make us wonder what's ahead of us, much like how are lives are. We are unsure what exactly our lives will hold, but we do know the current conditions.

Today's blog I am going to tell you what exactly I do since most don't know and ask what keeps me so busy. Well I am a student at M State, going for Administrative Assistant, thinking about going after as a social worker or a nurse. I know completely different majors but as of now, I'm seeing where God wants me after this first degree. Secondly, I work at Friendship Inc. as a Job Coach, I help those who have Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health maintain their jobs, show them what they can improve on and encourage them in their work. I have a passion for those who have developmental disabilities and mental health. I will explain more later about why my passion for those are so strong and what started me on this life long journey on being a advocate for those who have DD and MH. When I am not working on homework, working or in school, I fill my life with volunteering on a local organic farm which has it's own CSA (Kragnes Family Farms CSA) and helping families in town and close to town with their kids, cleaning their houses, making meals, playing with their kids, doing laundry for them, etc(and no I do not get paid, or want to get paid for it)... I also am a huge family person and LOVE getting together with my immediate family as much as I love seeing extended family. I get pretty busy with things and often don't make a whole lot of time for down time for just me, thats my down fall. I will make time for everyone else, but myself unless it includes work, homework, school, devotions, etc. But I want my life to reflect Christ, I want to pour all of myself into others, and showing them Christ's love in everything I do.

Here are some pictures with some of the kids I hang out with:
 This is Moriah Lynn, she is basically my mini me. She & I are pretty close, and she follows my every move. The below pictures are of her twin sisters Anne and Betsy(they are adorable).

I will post more pictures and blogs to follow. I also plan on adding recipes and other goodies to my blog as the days go on, bear with me, I will try to update this at least once to twice a week, as I find writing things down seem to give me a little me time, and I enjoy being able to work on this as I find it relaxing and fun. If there is anything you want to see more of, or topics, or whatnot that you want to know, let me know and I will do my best to cover them. :) This blog is to more or less share some of my life through pictures, words, recipes, etc.. I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I do. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good start Jess! Love the "sunshine" theme!!!