Saturday, February 28, 2009


So I just noticed that it has been a LONG time since I have last blogged. A lot has happened since July. For one thing my mom had a major unexpected heart surgery that went much better than could have ever hoped for. She healed fast, and the surgery even though it took a very long time went very well. She is in great health and better than ever. In other news I did a medical study on sleeping pills in September through October and it went really well. It really helped my sleeping habits, due to me not sleeping well the past two years, it really kicked it in the butt and I haven't slept better. When I was doing the Medical study it was in Fargo, ND and I was able to stay with a family friend and their three boys. They ended up asking if I would stay longer and nanny their boys for food and rent and whatever else. I thought and prayed about it, and I accepted. I am still currently living with them until April 11th when I will return to good old New Hope, MN, before I leave for Spring School in England. Which is another thing that I should probebly mention. I am going there from the middle of April to the end of June. I will be studying the Bible everyday, learning about the history of the church, different books of the Bible and their authors, and other such things. After that I plan on touring some days in London. I am really looking forward to meeting new friends and really studying the Bible intensly. Please pray for others that are going and that are there right now that they will be impacted and take as much away from it as they can and so will I. Also pray that when everyone returns to their homes from being there that we will not only be changed but also be able and wanting to change other peoples lives as well and that God will be able to speak through us clearly. Thanks! 
I have found my time in fargo to be great. I have really got a lot out of the messages that the Pastor preaches here at Fargo Baptist. It defintly would not have been my first church to pick from since I have moved away from the Baptist setting a while ago and did not see myself going back so fast to a Baptist church. But I will say that I am very happy that I have been attending there due to some great messages and things that I have gotten out of the messages, as well as really close friendships... 
I hope that all is well for everyone. I miss everyone at home, as well as everyone that is elsewhere. There is more to come about everything in Fargo.

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